Sunday, November 20, 2011

Our Favourite Class Blog

We LOVE Room 3's class blog! It is cool to read and has lots of information about their learning! We vote this as our favourite blog.
Room 14

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Jake's Mum

Dear Room 14 did you think that Jakes mum is cool I did. She competed in a sail around the world yacht race.
From Lucy Green

Jake's MUM

Yesterday jakes Mum take by denver

Dilpreet MOTAT

Last week we went to Motat we saw lots of interesting stuff
like old trains and phones (telephone ) me and my friends went to the mirror
maze. Me and Ella were together and I got lost in there because it was so hard to find my way out in there!
I got hit on the mirror when I had to find my way out...but then I found my way out!

Jakes mum.

Dear Jakes Mum,

Thank you for teaching us interesting facts and some laughter and thanks for all you did. Thank you for showing us the DVD - it was fun and cool.

Love from yazmin

My mum's sailing around the world talk

Yesterday my mum came into school to talk about the sailing around the world race. She showed us the clothes she used to wear in the southern ocean. She also showed us a few videos from the race. By Jake

Motat By Angelina Ung

Last Wednesday our class went on a trip called Motat!!!!. In Motat it has Motat 1!! and Motat 2!!
we always land in Motat 1 cause we don't want to miss Motat 1 so we went to Motat 1.In my group i had Mr Pita ,Ella Pita,Angelina Ung,terry Xi, Denver Stutt and Mrs Rivett.It is so amazing and i love going to that trtip!!!!Called Motat! hope you go to Motat have a look hope you enjoy waching!!!!

By Angelina Ung

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Photos from the World Cup

Flat Stanley

Hi Nathan it's Dylan and Lee. We have had lots of fun with your Flat Stanley!

Flat Stanley

When Flat Stanley was here he behaved so well that I didn't have to growl once. Ha ha!

Flat Stanley

Thank you for your Flat Stanley. I really like your Flat Stanley.
By Jianxin

Flat stanly

Flat stanly has had a lovely time at point view school up in the class and outside to. He has been watching me doing work too.

by Ella

Flat stanley

Flat stanley has had a great time at point view school in room 14.

By Sophie and Stanley

Thomas and Stanley

So far Stanley has been into the beehive and on the middle school playground. He has spent lots of time learning with me.

By Thomas

Flat Stanley and the Flowers!

Hi Anna! I've been taking photos of Flat Stanley on the flowers.

Flat Stanley

I took Flat Stanley on lots of adventures. By Ben


Stanley has had a good time in New Zealand and meet the class and has enjoyed his time with us.He has been in the hive and has had lots of pictures. he has been on the playground .

From Morgan and Stanley


stanley has meet some people in our class seen lots of teachers
he loves to play at the hive witch is wear plants grow and he went
to the play ground on the slide and on the monkey bars .

by dilpreet and flat stanley

Flat Stanley by Victoria

Hi Veronica! We took your Flat Stanley to visit our year 1 friends in Room 3 today. They loved learning about the story of Flat Stanley and we have started to create a voicethread for you.

Flat Stanley

Flat Stanley is in the best looking photo ever! We took them around to our different playgrounds and took photos of all of them together, a real Stanley party!

by Angelina

Flat Stanley

Flat Stanley had a wonderful time in Point View School. Sometimes he sat next to me while I worked. By Jake

Flat Stanley

Flat Stanley came with me today for a photo shoot. I took them to the middle school playground. We went into the Hive. The Hive is so much fun because it has a maze and a sandpit. It has a little area where we can find bugs. We are allowed to help to water the plants at lunchtimes and we are allowed to go in there with our teachers. Stanley had his photo taken in the Hive at the sandpit and by the maze. The maze needs to grow much bigger. It will take a long time!
By Lucy

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Winners of The Rugby World Cup 2011!

The All Blacks lifted the world cup! They won the tournament and are now the world champions! Yay!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Opening Ceremony RWC

More photos from the Opening Ceremony

These images are from Daily Mail website (UK). Had to share them, just awesome!

Rugby World Cup Opening Ceremony

Room 14 thought the opening ceremony was AWESOME!
Lots of us went into the viaduct or to the waterfront to watch the fireworks.
Some were even lucky enough to go to the game at Eden Park - wow!
The rest of us either watched it on TV or went up to higher ground to view the fireworks from there.
Go the All Blacks!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Mystery Trip

My favourite part of the trip was having fish and chips and playing on the park. I also liked scanning the QR codes and looking inside the dungeon

by Ethan

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Our Class Trip!

Monday's trip was fun!

We went to mission Bay.


The Trip!

On Monday we had a class trip. We went to Mission Bay first
and also played on the playground.

By Dilpreet

Our Trip!

On Monday room 14 went on a exciting class trip!

By Ella

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Learning About Flight

I have been learning about flight. The most interesting that I found out is that you need to tip the basket over so you can get into the basket and have a ride.

I've also been learning about the Wright brothers, the Montgolfier brothers, Amelia Earhart and Jean Batten.

Did you know that Amelia Earhart wasn't the first woman to fly but she was the first woman to survive flying over the Atlantic ocean.

The four things of flight are glide, hover, flap and soar.

By Rachael

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

This Term by Ben

I learned that the Concorde crashed because a bird flew into one of the engines. Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly the Atlantic ocean but she did not fly the plane. King Blatterkiss thought that he could fly like a circle then he became King Splatterkiss.

By Ben

This term by Victoria

We have learnt about Amelia Earhart. Amelia Earhart was born on 24 July 1897. She was the first woman to fly an ocean called the Atlantic. The four ways of flying is soaring, flapping, hovering and gliding. The Wright Brothers invented a plane. A Concorde makes a sound when it moves too fast. A Concorde is an oval shape.

By Victoria

This term by Thomas

This term we have been learning about flight. I learnt about the Concorde and lots of other plane's but the interesting one was the Harrier nicknamed the Jump Jet.

By Thomas

Flight Review By Dilpreet

I have learnt about a girl who wanted to fly. Other people expected Amelia Earhart to be a shop girl or a nanny but...she actually had other jobs like a truck driver and a nurse. The nursing job was good for a girl's job. Then she stopped all of the jobs and bought a plane. Her first crash was in a cabbage patch but she got her dream to fly.

Do you know the four ways of flying? They are flapping, soaring, gliding and hovering. A helicopter can hover and I think also glide.

In our time now, our planes have propellers inside the plane but in the olden days they had them outside the plane because then the birds don't fly into the propellers.

By Dilpreet

This term by Jianxin

This term we are learning about Flight and we are learning about Hot Air balloons and Amelia Earhart. Hot Air balloons can fly into the sky and I made a Hot Air balloon. My class is making the kites and Room 14 is learning about Flight. My class is learning about aeroplanes and planes can fly into the sky too! The plane has two wings but a bid has wings too! The bird's wing can flap but aeroplane's wings can't flap. Room 14 learning about flight is fun.

By Jianxin

This term by Jenna

Room 14 have been learning about flight.
Gravity is where it pulls you down and lift is where it pushes you up.

by Jenna

Flight Reflection by Jason

This term we have been learning about flight. I learned that a bird's and an aeroplane's wings are the same shape on the inside. We have been learning about hot air balloons and things that glide, hover, flap and soar. I have learned that the Harrier jet can glide, soar, hover and flap.

By Jason

This term by Jeffrey

We have been learning about Flight. We learned about Helicopters, Planes and more that flies. We also found out about lots of famous aviators. Helicopters have rotors and planes have wings. Some animals have wings, like bees, birds, dragonflies and other insects that fly.

By Jeffrey

This term by Selena

This term we have been learning about flight, about famous aviators and how all sorts of aircraft lift off the ground. The most interesting fact I learnt about flight is about the Hot Air balloon. We learnt about Hot Air balloons at inquiry learning. I have never ridden in a Hot Air balloon before, but I really want to! The first piece of information on Hot Air balloons is about how they work. I liked learning about the Hot Air balloons, especially when we made the posters. We also made artwork about them! UP WE GO!!

By Selena