Thursday, July 14, 2011

Learning About Flight

I have been learning about flight. The most interesting that I found out is that you need to tip the basket over so you can get into the basket and have a ride.

I've also been learning about the Wright brothers, the Montgolfier brothers, Amelia Earhart and Jean Batten.

Did you know that Amelia Earhart wasn't the first woman to fly but she was the first woman to survive flying over the Atlantic ocean.

The four things of flight are glide, hover, flap and soar.

By Rachael

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

This Term by Ben

I learned that the Concorde crashed because a bird flew into one of the engines. Amelia Earhart was the first woman to fly the Atlantic ocean but she did not fly the plane. King Blatterkiss thought that he could fly like a circle then he became King Splatterkiss.

By Ben

This term by Victoria

We have learnt about Amelia Earhart. Amelia Earhart was born on 24 July 1897. She was the first woman to fly an ocean called the Atlantic. The four ways of flying is soaring, flapping, hovering and gliding. The Wright Brothers invented a plane. A Concorde makes a sound when it moves too fast. A Concorde is an oval shape.

By Victoria

This term by Thomas

This term we have been learning about flight. I learnt about the Concorde and lots of other plane's but the interesting one was the Harrier nicknamed the Jump Jet.

By Thomas

Flight Review By Dilpreet

I have learnt about a girl who wanted to fly. Other people expected Amelia Earhart to be a shop girl or a nanny but...she actually had other jobs like a truck driver and a nurse. The nursing job was good for a girl's job. Then she stopped all of the jobs and bought a plane. Her first crash was in a cabbage patch but she got her dream to fly.

Do you know the four ways of flying? They are flapping, soaring, gliding and hovering. A helicopter can hover and I think also glide.

In our time now, our planes have propellers inside the plane but in the olden days they had them outside the plane because then the birds don't fly into the propellers.

By Dilpreet

This term by Jianxin

This term we are learning about Flight and we are learning about Hot Air balloons and Amelia Earhart. Hot Air balloons can fly into the sky and I made a Hot Air balloon. My class is making the kites and Room 14 is learning about Flight. My class is learning about aeroplanes and planes can fly into the sky too! The plane has two wings but a bid has wings too! The bird's wing can flap but aeroplane's wings can't flap. Room 14 learning about flight is fun.

By Jianxin

This term by Jenna

Room 14 have been learning about flight.
Gravity is where it pulls you down and lift is where it pushes you up.

by Jenna

Flight Reflection by Jason

This term we have been learning about flight. I learned that a bird's and an aeroplane's wings are the same shape on the inside. We have been learning about hot air balloons and things that glide, hover, flap and soar. I have learned that the Harrier jet can glide, soar, hover and flap.

By Jason

This term by Jeffrey

We have been learning about Flight. We learned about Helicopters, Planes and more that flies. We also found out about lots of famous aviators. Helicopters have rotors and planes have wings. Some animals have wings, like bees, birds, dragonflies and other insects that fly.

By Jeffrey

This term by Selena

This term we have been learning about flight, about famous aviators and how all sorts of aircraft lift off the ground. The most interesting fact I learnt about flight is about the Hot Air balloon. We learnt about Hot Air balloons at inquiry learning. I have never ridden in a Hot Air balloon before, but I really want to! The first piece of information on Hot Air balloons is about how they work. I liked learning about the Hot Air balloons, especially when we made the posters. We also made artwork about them! UP WE GO!!

By Selena

Follow the link..

We managed to put LOTS of our comments onto the old class blog from last year so here is a link to click on and view our fantastic work!

From Room 14, 2011

This term of flight by Dylan

Room 114 have been learning about flight. It was the best, I loved it.

Do you know why I liked it? Because I learnt about aviators. Aviators are famous pilots.

We learnt all term and we made posters which was fun.

The Concorde is the fastest passenger plane in the world.

By Dylan

This Term of Flight By Yazmin

We have been learning about flight. Room 14 have learnt some flight facts about hot air balloons. We are now learning about thrust. Thrust is like when a plane goes by - it thrusts through the air, side to side while gravity pulls it down. Sometimes there is drag on one side and it will always lift up in the air if it goes past.

By Yazmin

This term by Angelina

We are learning about Amelia Earhart.She used to be a Nurse. When Amelia Earhart was a little girl she built a roller-coaster. Amelia Earhart was flying across the Atlantic Ocean in 1928. She flew around once, twice, three times. She did not have enough fuel, then she fell in the Atlantic Ocean, when it was her last flight. When Amelia Earhart fell in the Atlantic Ocean, people couldn't find her anywhere. Another thing is that drag is going right and thrust is going left and lift is helping you lift up while gravity is pulling you down.

By Angelina

This term by Terry

I'm learning about flight and learning that flight is fun. Mrs Rivett told me lots of things so now I know lots of interesting things about flight, Planes, Helicopters, Concordes, Harrier Jump Jets and lots more. We learnt about things that birds and planes have and how a plane lifts up. I really liked learning about flight.

This term by Janice

Hello my name is Janice. Room 14 have been learning about Flight. The very first thing we learnt about is Amelia Earhart. Today, which is Tuesday, we've been visualising what it was like being Amelia Earhart and we think that people said to do girlie jobs like other girls.

By Janice

Ethan's Reflection of Flight Learning

This term I learned about flight, like planes, kites, jets, birds and helicopters which all fly.

We have also learned about Amelia Earhart and hot air balloons. The top part of a balloon is called an envelope. All planes can hover, flap, soar and I have learned so much about flight this term.

By Ethan

Reflecting on the term - Yul-Ry

Room 14 have been learning about Amelia Earhart and hot air balloons. I have learned that Amelia Earhart was a famous woman pilot and she broke lots of records. She even flew across the Atlanti ocean twice and she was a bot of a tomboy when she was young.

Her mother was also called Amelia but they just called her Amy. Amelia's father worked at a railway station. Amelia's middle name was Mary.

We even learnt about planes like the Concorde which can fly twice the speed of sound, which is 2,000km/hr.

At Inquiry Learning, we have been learning about hot air balloons. Mrs. Munro told us that we have to tip the basket over to get into the basket. We even learned that the basket is called the gondola.
Then we searched the internet to take notes, We chose questions first and we took notes, like if we found an answer, we copied it onto a note taking sheet. My question was 'how do hot air balloons work'?

We even made hot air balloons!

A passenger aeroplane has four engines which are massive! Drag pulls it back, lift lifts it up and gravity pushes it downward while thrust pushes it forward.

By Yul-Ry

Our Reflection - By Adam

This term we have been learning about flight and also Amelia Earhart. Amelia Earhart grew up as a tomboy. She made a rollercoaster. When she grew up as a plane pilot, she flew across the Atlantic two times and flew around the equator.

By Adam