Room 14 have been learning about Amelia Earhart and hot air balloons. I have learned that Amelia Earhart was a famous woman pilot and she broke lots of records. She even flew across the Atlanti ocean twice and she was a bot of a tomboy when she was young.
Her mother was also called Amelia but they just called her Amy. Amelia's father worked at a railway station. Amelia's middle name was Mary.
We even learnt about planes like the Concorde which can fly twice the speed of sound, which is 2,000km/hr.
At Inquiry Learning, we have been learning about hot air balloons. Mrs. Munro told us that we have to tip the basket over to get into the basket. We even learned that the basket is called the gondola.
Then we searched the internet to take notes, We chose questions first and we took notes, like if we found an answer, we copied it onto a note taking sheet. My question was 'how do hot air balloons work'?
We even made hot air balloons!
A passenger aeroplane has four engines which are massive! Drag pulls it back, lift lifts it up and gravity pushes it downward while thrust pushes it forward.
By Yul-Ry
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